After reading Foucault's "What is an Author?", the author is interested in language, power, and pleasure. He dissects the relationship between the text and the author. The author’s function is a result from legal and institutional systems, the way the text was written, and the process of the design of the text. As readers we use the author to interpret the text and it is the way we use the author to do this that the text actually determines the author.
Maya Angelou is a highly celebrated author who allows her personal stories and life influence her work. In her interview for The Paris Review, by George Plimpton, she enlightened me with her personal writing process and her connection to texts. We learn about how she rents a room in a hotel for months that she writes in. All of the wall art must be taken down and she must have a supply of sherry. She was mute for five years after being raped and thinking her voice killed the man, not her brother. Angelou’s life is fascinating , but to her it is a simple life.
The interview dissects Angelou’s writing process and factors that contribute greatly to her writing subjects through the questions he asks. Angelou explains that she focuses on the rhythm and the language. She states how, “I want to hear how English sounds; how Edna St. Vincent Millay heard English. I want to hear it, so I read it aloud. It is not so that I can then imitate it. It is to remind me what a glorious language it is. Then, I try to be particular and even original.”
To Angelou her work is the culmination of her life and her love of language, which is clearly evident in the interview. With writing autobiographies Angelou feels as though she is following in a sacred tradition, similar to Frederick Douglass. She states the best part of writing for her is, “when the language lends itself to me, when it comes and submits, when it surrenders and says, I am yours, darling—that’s the best part.” A lot of her work is connected to her personal experiences that have had an effect on her as a person.
Through the questions, the interviewer poses most that are interrogating of her own work, but then some that are pointed more at the nature of a writer in general. An example of this is when he asks, “Aren’t you tempted to lie? Novelists lie, don’t they?”.
Angelou focuses heavily in this interview on the senses of writing and the movement. She discusses the movement and pliability of language. The interviewer asked,
If you had to endow a writer with the most necessary pieces of equipment, other than, of course, yellow legal pads, what would these be?
Ears. Ears. To hear the language. But there’s no one piece of equipment that is most necessary. Courage, first.
She is so focused on the nature of writing: the sound and the feeling.
In Angelou’s writing, she is the audience. Angelou states,
“When I’m writing, I am trying to find out who I am, who we are, what we’re capable of, how we feel, how we lose and stand up, and go on from darkness into darkness. I’m trying for that. But I’m also trying for the language. I’m trying to see how it can really sound. I really love language. I love it for what it does for us, how it allows us to explain the pain and the glory, the nuances and the delicacies of our existence. And then it allows us to laugh, allows us to show wit. Real wit is shown in language. We need language.“